Growing up is like...

Growing up is like...
Performed on:
June 2024
Growing up is like...
Being lived by others
Choosing between now and later
Trying something for the first time and not giving up
Urging coffee. All. The. Time.
Standing up for yourself and others
Crying your eyes out
Doing your own groceries
Doing something terrifying alone
Applying for a job
Having a nine-to-five-job
Having a lot of freedom
Searching for stuff and yourself
Stressing about nothing and everything
Growing up is intense and chaotic. We are in the middle of this intense, chaotic and terrifying phase. Everybody goes through it, and nobody knows how.
So feel welcome, to see our experimental-visual-montage-play! Whenever you are far before the "adult phase", right in the process, or an experienced adult.
Directed by:
Amber Trumpie