Next to acting Twister also offers many other possibilities. These include directing, writing, and producing your own show. We offer this as a platform, and this option can be used throughout the year. So if you are writing a play and would like to see it performed, all you need to do is contact the board. If you want to write a show but don’t want to do so alone don’t hesitate to contact the board and we will help find another writer. Of course you can also present an existing show and direct it, or just present it because you think it’s a show that would suit Twister. As you can see there are many possibilities! The most important thing is to present your ideas to the board so we can help fund your dream and make it a reality.
Do you have an idea for a platform production? This is how it works.
Do you have an idea for a production?
Ensure that you have a clear idea.
Send an email to the board at twistertoneel@gmail.com.
The board will then contact you to discuss how you envision your idea.
The board will take this information to the Artistic Committee. They will determine whether the idea is ready for the next step or if anything else still needs to be worked out.
Next the board will make a list of everything that needs to happen (for example looking for writers or organizing auditions).
Your platform production is now approved and you can get started. You can choose your own role in the process (writer, director, producer, or a combination of these).
Do you have an idea and want to write a production?
Ensure you have a clear idea of what you want to do.
Send an email to the board at twistertoneel@gmail.com.
The board will then contact you to discuss how you envision your idea.
The board will take this information to the Artistic Committee. They will determine whether the idea is ready for the next step or if anything else still needs to be worked out.
After that you can start working on the first draft of the script.
This draft will then be sent to the Artistic Committee who will read it and give feedback.
With this feedback you can start working on the final draft.
This final draft will then be sent back to the Artistic Committee, who will approve it and give a last round of feedback.
Your platform production is now approved and you can get started. You can choose your own role in the process (director, producer, actor, or a combination of these). The board will make a list of everything that needs to happen (for example looking for writers or organizing auditions).